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This is collection of mods improves graphic component of Mafia. All mods are carefully selected to maintain the game's atmosphere. Changelog: minor fixes of reshade and compatibility with d3d8to9 errors fixes, fix list out of bounds, RCF 1.6.1, wrapper 资源说明: 文明6:迭起兴衰 增加更多部队与单位MOD,由“Gedemon,ITcore,GeloDGreeat”制作,R.E.D. Modpack这个MOD为游戏增加了大量的新部队,使得游戏中的战争更加多样化,本站提供文明6:迭起兴衰更多单位mod,需要的玩家不要错过哦! Version of modpack|整合包版本 Describe the bug|描述问题 可以利用高级火箭的气体装填台无限复制流体 How to reproduce|如何复现 将气体装填台放置在地上,把装满气体或者液体的四氟乙烯储罐放进去,气体装填台会被液体装满,但是四氟乙烯储罐里的液体不会减少,再利用开放式方块的蓄水槽取 Welcome to the official Wiki for the RLCraft modpack, made by the one and only Shivaxi the great! RLCraft is a Minecraft Modpack consisting of approximately 120 separate mods that have been bundled and tweaked by Shivaxi to create a challenging Minecraft fantasy world. The modpack is currently at version 2.8.2 and runs on Minecraft version 1.12.2. While trying to survive this world you will 2/25/2021 HUGE 1.16.5 Modpack with everyone's favorite mods as well as a ton of new mods to try out. Also lots of custom content and recipes to make the game a little more fun!

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Set up your own Solder install and serve your custom modpack on a per-version basis while saving yourself tons of bandwidth in the process. Find out more by clicking here. It's time to get started! Choose your platform below to download and install the Technic Launcher. You will be playing amazing community created content in no time! Yogbox 2.0 is a Minecraft modpack that updates and maintains a modpack called Yogbox, originally created by The Yogscast. While keeping the original spirit of the modpack alive, Yogbox 2.0 aims to improve it by adding newer mods, removing older mods, and fixing certain mod issues. CurseForgeDownloadReplacer-crx插件,替换CurseForge的下载链接。这个软件包将做两件事:将安装URL从加载Twitch客户端更改为仅下载modpack的zip存档。 Fabric API is the core library for the most common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain . More infomation and full installation instructions can be found on the Fabric website and support can be found on the Fabric discord server.

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